Tuesday February 11
Wednesday February 12
Thursday February 13
7:30 - 8:00 PM EST
4 day Live Online Healing Event
Build Resilience
Alleviate Stress and Anxiety
Support your Immune System
Are you tired of feeling tired?
Is your energy level low?
Is your sleep interrupted?
Are you mentally exhausted?
Are you feeling anxious, worried or stressed?
Do you pick up every virus going around?
Pure Bioenergy Healing Therapy calms the mind.
Pure Bioenergy Healing Therapy increases resilience.
Pure Bioenergy Healing Therapy boosts immunity.
Pure Bioenergy Healing Therapy improves sleep.
Pure Bioenergy relieves stress and brings balance.
Pure Bioenergy Healing Therapy brings relief for a vast number of symptoms.
Pure Bioenergy Healing Therapy effects are cumulative.
Do not let your illness define you.
You log on at the specified time. Sit in a comfortable chair, with your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands in your lap, palms facing up and receive the beautiful benefits of Pure Bioenergy Healing Therapy.
To experience the maximum benefits from the therapy please attend all 4 days. A complete PureBioenergy Healing Therapy session is comprised of one session each day, at the same time for 4 days in a row. This is your commitment to your healing.
Combine the powerful effects of long-distance therapy and a group virtual PureBioenergy healing event and you get another dimension of the remote healing process by magnifying it through group amplification dynamics. The group develops its own unique force and the healing effects become stronger.
I have been trying to heal my frozen shoulder for about 8 months.
I had 4 sessions . Before we started I had limited motion in my shoulder, some pain with movement. With every session I could feel a relief and improvement in my symptoms and range of motion.
About 4 days after we finished, I had a nightmare , but the next day it was like a miracle, like something has cleared completely. I can move my arm almost 100%.
I have some muscle weakness still, but I'm working on it doing some gentle strengthening exercises. Thank you Judy, your hands are truly healing. Ewa J.
I have had great success with PureBioenergy Healing in children. One girl had a significant change. She had PANDAs and OCD.
She had to leave school as she could not take the noise, stress, aggravation. She could not concentrate or sit still. She had to move every few minutes. She did not want to wear shoes, or have tight fitting clothes.
Her mom brought her for PureBioenergy Healing. During the sessions we could see the difference. She became calm. She put her shoes on after the 3rd day. She asked her mom to take her to the mall. This was huge because they avoided the mall due to the overstimulation. She slept through the night, when she hadn't slept through before. She went back to school. Tammy
I am so happy that Judy Johnston and my paths crossed. Pure Bioenergy Healing is amazing.
I have been depressed for a while especially after receiving the diagnosis of Parkinson.
Pure Bioenergy has helped lift my depression and physically my movement and walking is freer and loose with no pain.
For me there were significant changes daily in my energy.
I felt a dark cloud lift from me as I became happier. I sing along with the radio, I am talking to people with ease, peace, and compassion.
I must say I am more calm and peaceful than I have been for a while.
I highly recommend experiencing the process for yourself. Renate M.